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Newsletter Articles

SeminariansFree Webinar – “Planning as a Paradigm Shift”  
September 12, 2024

Free Webinar – “Planning as a Paradigm Shift”  

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 – 11 AM EDT In addition to alerting people to ways in which the ELCA is going further and further off the rails, we of Lutheran CORE…
Young TimothyA Father’s Wise Instruction
September 12, 2024

A Father’s Wise Instruction

Do you worry if your children will be wise when they go off to live in this corrupted world? Have you given them the foundation they need?  Jesus said our world…
What Are They Actually Accomplishing?
September 12, 2024

What Are They Actually Accomplishing?

An Analysis of the Work Of the ELCA's Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church As promised, we continue to monitor the work of the ELCA’s Commission for a Renewed Lutheran…
SeminariansAddressing The Clergy Supply Crisis
September 12, 2024

Addressing The Clergy Supply Crisis

Given the increasing shortage of ordained pastors available for call, now is the time when many churches will need to take the initiative to enlist one or two (or three)…
Video Ministries-September 2024
September 12, 2024

Video Ministries-September 2024

“RESIDENT ALIENS: LIFE IN THE CHRISTIAN COLONY” A video book review by Douglas Schoelles   Many thanks to Douglas Schoelles, pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana…
SeminariansWoke? Awake; the Sacred’s Changing
September 12, 2024

Woke? Awake; the Sacred’s Changing

Although the appellation “woke”—used by Ricky Gervais to the Hollywood establishment at the Oscars as “insider” language just a few years ago—is eschewed by progressives now that cultural conservatives have…
Christian Marxist Antisemitism
July 11, 2024

Christian Marxist Antisemitism

Most people would call me a “conservative” Lutheran, although I would prefer to be called orthodox or traditional. Nevertheless, I will accept the label. Therefore, as a conservative Lutheran, it…
Ghosting Faith?
July 11, 2024

Ghosting Faith?

Ever been ghosted? Ever have someone with whom you were connected not call you back? Ever have someone stand you up? Most of us have been ghosted some time. Cutting…
A Different Approach to Pro-life Ministry
July 11, 2024

A Different Approach to Pro-life Ministry

As a pastor, I sometimes have the opportunity to take on unexpected ministries outside of the church.  Such was the case when I was invited to become the Executive Director…
City Mission: A Catalyst for Becoming a Missionary Disciple
July 11, 2024

City Mission: A Catalyst for Becoming a Missionary Disciple

“… if you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the…
Other CommunicationsHow DEIA, Anti-Racism and CRT Are Becoming the New Gospel in the ELCA
July 11, 2024

How DEIA, Anti-Racism and CRT Are Becoming the New Gospel in the ELCA

How DEIA, Anti-Racism and CRT Are Becoming the New Gospel in the ELCA Any meaningful discussion of these modern-day heresies absolutely must begin and end with scripture.  DEIA (Diversity, Equity,…
The ELCA Shows Its Values Through Whom It Features
July 11, 2024

The ELCA Shows Its Values Through Whom It Features

There is an old adage that says, “You show your values through what and whom you feature.”  That certainly is true of the ELCA. Again this past June, in observance…
Video Ministries-July 2024
July 11, 2024

Video Ministries-July 2024

Be sure to check out the two new videos on our You Tube channel.  A link to our You Tube channel can be found here.  Both of these videos are…
Orthodox Reading Is Pastoral Reading
July 11, 2024

Orthodox Reading Is Pastoral Reading

“What’s all this ‘Father’ stuff about in the Lord’s Prayer?  Why should we call God ‘Father,’ anyway?” she intoned petulantly, fixing me with a stare that clearly thought no reasonable…
“Journey to Forgiveness: 21 Milestones to Freedom”
May 9, 2024

“Journey to Forgiveness: 21 Milestones to Freedom”

Many thanks to David Peterson, pastor of Apostles Lutheran Church in Chesapeake, Virginia (LCMC), for giving us a video review of his first book, “Journey to Forgiveness: 21 Milestones to…
The Ministry Challenges We Face in 2024
May 9, 2024

The Ministry Challenges We Face in 2024

Consider the contrasting good news and not-so-good news ministry challenges that are confronting many of our congregations in 2024: Good News: Many local churches have now been blessed by the…
Words Fail Me: Questioning the Newspeak of My “Progressive” Education
May 9, 2024

Words Fail Me: Questioning the Newspeak of My “Progressive” Education

In my office hangs my ordination certificate.  Across it is emblazoned the name of the ordaining body, the body whose confessional commitments I pledged to uphold on the day I…
Bringing Children to Jesus
May 9, 2024

Bringing Children to Jesus

In Matthew 19: 14 Jesus told His disciples, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom…
Racism, Power, and Prejudice
May 9, 2024

Racism, Power, and Prejudice

Almost 30 years ago, I had my first introduction to the tactics of postmodern argumentation.  A professor at Texas Lutheran made the statement that he could not be racist because…
Book Review: “Tenderness” by Eve Tushnet
May 9, 2024

Book Review: “Tenderness” by Eve Tushnet

Note from Executive Director Dennis D. Nelson: Many thanks to a friend of Lutheran CORE for giving us a review of Eve Tushnet’s book, “Tenderness: A Gay Christian’s Guide to…
An Incoming DEIA Disaster
March 5, 2024

An Incoming DEIA Disaster

Recently, the ELCA posted the results of a DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility) Audit1 which was authorized by the Churchwide Assembly.  The audit laid out its findings and made…
Operation Reconquista: Responses to Critical Questions
March 5, 2024

Operation Reconquista: Responses to Critical Questions

Editor’s Note: Pr. Haug wrote a positive article on this topic in January (click here). Last newsletter I hinted that I would write a follow up article about OperationReconquista and…
When Does Life Begin?
March 5, 2024

When Does Life Begin?

Editor's Note: by M. Roy Schwarz, M.D. The American Heritage Dictionary, 2nd College Edition defines "life" as "the property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from the dead or inanimate…
Contented Faith
March 5, 2024

Contented Faith

When I was dating my wife Debra, I was so excited about being with her. I was eager to talk with her, be with her, and go off on adventures…
… and Now Many of Them Are Just Lost
March 5, 2024

… and Now Many of Them Are Just Lost

Just over a year ago Christine and I found ourselves in Florence, South Carolina.  Nice place just off I-95, we found a fixer-upper on the little lake in town.  Pro…
Hope for De-churched Lutherans
March 5, 2024

Hope for De-churched Lutherans

In my previous two articles, I talked about the dilemma facing De-churched Lutherans.  Some cannot find an orthodox Lutheran parish in their area.  Some have been made to feel unwelcome…
Reflections on Mission
March 5, 2024

Reflections on Mission

Editor’s Note: Jacob Moorman is a member of River’s Edge Ministries, which regularly hosts and leads mission work locally in Maryland, through City Mission, and annually in other states through…
A Warning of What is Coming
March 5, 2024

A Warning of What is Coming

Many thanks to Kevin Haug for his very insightful article about the DEIA audit which the ELCA recently commissioned a law firm to do of its governing documents.  I hate…
Thankful for the Opportunity to Share
March 5, 2024

Thankful for the Opportunity to Share

I am very grateful for the recent invitation to have a zoom conversation with the director and associate director of the ELCA’s Reconsiderations process.  This is the task force that…
Video Ministry – January 2024
January 11, 2024

Video Ministry – January 2024

“PASTORAL HELMANSHIP: A PASTOR’S GUIDE TO CHURCH ADMINISTRATION” Many thanks to Aaron Heilman for this review.  Aaron is Worship Leader for Pointe of Hope Church in Blue Springs, Missouri (LCMS). …
Considering the Challenge of Transitioning from Clergy-Led to Lay-Led Congregational Ministries
January 11, 2024

Considering the Challenge of Transitioning from Clergy-Led to Lay-Led Congregational Ministries

This article is written especially for smaller congregations that are either 1) already experiencing a pastoral vacancy, or 2) know that their solo pastor will be retiring within the next…
March for Life and Y4Life Conference in January!
January 11, 2024

March for Life and Y4Life Conference in January!

The NALC Life Ministries team is once again preparing for the March for Life in Washington D.C. this January, but our plan is a little different. Instead of holding a life conference,…
Book Review: Does the Bible Support Same-Sex Marriage?
January 11, 2024

Book Review: Does the Bible Support Same-Sex Marriage?

Editor's Note: Full title of the book is Does the Bible Support Same-Sex Marriage: 21Conversations from a Historically Christian View. Also, Spencer Wentland is a former ELCA missionary. Introduction and…
Operation Reconquista: An Affirmative Response
January 11, 2024

Operation Reconquista: An Affirmative Response

Can mainline denominations be reconquered from theological liberalism?  A group named Operation Reconquista has emerged to attempt such a thing, and they are offering tactics on just how to proceed.…
CRLC and Critical Theory
January 11, 2024

CRLC and Critical Theory

In the September and November editions of CORE Voice, Dennis Nelson analyzed the activist constituency of the members of the Commission for a Renewed Lutheran Church (CRLC). The fact that…
Is This What You Want?
January 11, 2024

Is This What You Want?

We all remember with horror the ways in which traditional views on such matters as human sexuality were rejected and belittled at the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering.  Here is a…